Fun Friday night at our Skekler Social
What a fun Friday night we had at our Skekler Social, there was making, yarning, music, stories and even a bit of dancing too!
It is lovely to see this traditional Shetland straw craft growing in popularity with people keen to learn the skill.

Do you recognise any of our Skeklers? Everyone in our class went home with their very own homemade Skekler hat - they are all kitted out for some festive guising now!

In Shetland ‘skeklers’ were mysterious disguised figures who went from house to house, dressed in straw costumes, and talked in a special tone to hide their identity. They often performed a dance (which we had a go at on Friday, check out the video) and people would give them gifts of food.

Thanks again to all our tutors Maurice Henderson, Eve Eunson and Mari Anderson for a fantastic evening.
All the straw used for this event was locally sourced.