
Visitors and researchers can explore the fascinating story of Shetland’s heritage and culture in one place, with access to a wealth of documents and artefacts covering all aspects of the islands' past at Shetland Museum and Archives.

When the building opened in 2007, it brought together for the first time, the extensive and rich collections of both Shetland Museum and Shetland Archives.

Shetland Archives undoubtedly holds the largest ever collection of Shetland themed printed reference materials, with more material being received every year. Both the Archeaological and Textile collections are now Recognised Collections of National Significance in Scotland, with work progressing to achieve Regonised status for additional collections.

Inside Collections

Museum Collections

Shetland Museum collections relate to all aspects of the islands’ history. We collect objects relevant to the islands only. These are usually things used here, often made here too. Other things belonged to Shetlanders, or to emigrants from the islands who lived elsewhere.

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Archive Collections

The staff at Shetland Archives collect and care for public, personal and business records relating to Shetland, and facilitate access to the these for members of the public. Archive records can be parchment, paper, tape, film, digital files, photographs and much more.

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