CANCELLED: Viking Scotland: Results, Opportunities and Ways Forward

Tuesday, November 12th 2019 7:00pm - 8:30pm
This event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances
Lecture by Dr Colleen Batey FSA Scot (Centre for Northern Studies, University of Highlands and Islands)
Hosted by Society of Antiquaries Scotland and Archaeology Shetland
It is 20 years since the seminal volume Vikings in Scotland: an archaeological survey was published by Edinburgh University Press (EUP) under the authorship of James Graham-Campbell and Colleen Batey. This period has brought many changes to our understanding of the Scandinavian presence in Scotland, some through the results of targeted research agendas, others through chance finds during field survey and metal detecting. The published integration of all aspect of archaeological endeavour – both on and off-site, has provided a unique opportunity to re-assess the impact of this period which spanned essentially 600 years.
Free Entry
7pm (Doors open at 6.30pm)
Category: Lectures