Drop-in: Getting involved in Shetland Wool Week

Thursday, February 6th 2020 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Shetland Museum and Archives
Shetland Wool Week is run by a small team at the Shetland Amenity Trust but it takes far more than just us to deliver it.
From car hire companies to B&B's, food shops to tours guides, community halls to volunteers - it takes the Shetland community and local businesses to help deliver this growing event. In 2019 we welcomed over 1,000 participants to Shetland Wool Week from all 7 continents to this truly international event.
Join us at any time during this informal drop-in session on Thursday 6th February from 16:30 to 18:30 (also taking place on Wednesday 5th February from 12:00 to 14:00).
The drop-in will be a chance to chat to people already involved in Wool Week. So whether you are an aspiring tutuor, are interested in running an event of your own, would like to volunteer to help out, or even become a sponsor and help support us in making the event sustainable, we would love to see you.