Traditional straw crafts open evening

Wednesday, November 9th 2022 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Shetland Museum & Archives
Shetland Museum and Archives is launching a series of winter evening sessions which will focus on craft techniques using oat straw and are inviting members of the public to come along to an informal open evening on Wednesday 9 November to find out more.
At the event Dr Ian Tait will delve into the history of the Shetland oats and the different straw crafts, including showing some traditional examples. Makers from each of the disciplines will be on hand to inform and inspire. Ewan Balfour will demonstrate kishie making; Eve Eunson will be working on Fair Isle strawback chair backs; and members of the Hymhus Basket Group will show off their coiled stitched straw skills.
Following the drop-in event, if you are interested in the techniques and would like to learn the skill you can sign up to 6 sessions - they are aimed at total beginners as well as those with more experience and will run every Wednesday evening from 16 November – 21 December, 7.00 – 9.00pm
Find out more about the project here.
Category: Community Events, Arts and Crafts (Adult), Tours and Demonstrations