Can you help us identify the last unknown person photographed in Chris Morphet’s Allover Exhibition?
We would love to be able to find the name of the lady standing in front of a peat stack and complete our search before the exhibition closes on 29th December 2024
We have additional images of her taken inside a crofthouse which you can see in our photo albums in Da Gadderie.
At the beginning of this project none of the people in Chris Morphet’s photographs had been identified, and most of the images featured on the Getty website had very generic captions.
When our exhibitions officer, Karen Clubb received the images and hundreds of additional transparencies, she and her team at the museum worked together with members of the community to accurately caption as many images as they could.
However, we didn’t manage to identify everyone and when the exhibition opened in September there were still several unknowns.
We asked visitors if they could help us fill in the gaps and it has been wonderful to see this happen, we created a space in Da Gadderie for people to sit, look through photo albums and add names of any one they recognised.
Now that we have the full names of almost everyone in the exhibition we are going to update our captions – we are delighted we are able to do this before the exhibition closes (29th Dec) and know that the Shetlanders in these iconic photographs will now be documented forever.