
Keep up to date with new stories and details of what our researchers are doing to preserve and promote Shetland's heritage and culture.

The Museum and Archives is managed by the Shetland Amenity Trust, a small charity caring for Shetland's natural and cultural heritage. It is free to visit the Museum and Archives and here we share our work with you through our blogs and news. Donations are welcomed to help the Trust care for the collections and our heritage both now and in the future.

'Fair Game’ a major new online exhibition launched as part of the Between Islands project

The project highlights the historical cultural links between the islands of Shetland, Orkney, and the Outer Hebrides, while exploring ...

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Museum and Archives to remain closed

Shetland Museum and Archives will remain closed to the public after the festive period due to the latest advice from NHS Shetland on ...

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New Baltic ware collection on display for the first time at Shetland Museum

A collection of colourful Skovi Kapps which highlight Shetland’s trading and maritime links with Russia during the 19th century is ...

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New winter opening times at the Shetland Museum and Archives

The Shetland Museum and Archives have announced new opening times that will come into effect on Saturday 28th November. The aim is to ...

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Fair Isle Chairs on display in Da Gadderie

An exciting new exhibition of Fair Isle Chairs by local carpenter Eve Eunson is on display in Da Gadderie in Lerwick. In collaboration ...

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Tears of joy and appreciation for peerie hansels

Shetland students on the mainland will be receiving a ‘Peerie Hansel fae Hame’ this week as part of the Shetland Amenity Trust’s ...

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Unveiling the Shetland War Memorial, 6 January 1924

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the time of the armistice that ended the Great War. Remembrance in ...

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Appeal: A Peerie Hansel Fae Hame

The Shetland Community would like to express its support by sending a peerie hansel (gift) from home to the estimated 400 students ...

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VJ Day in Shetland

VJ Day (Victory Over Japan) has never been as important a celebration as VE Day, but for some people in Shetland it was a very ...

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Inspired by Shetland's Historical Textiles

We are delighted to see the launch of this beautiful Fair Isle Shetland jumper as part of clothing company TOAST new autumn ...

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Peter and Olla

Archivist Brian Smith retells the story of cousins Peter and Olla, two very different characters, who met one notable New Year's eve. ...

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Shetland Museum and Archives - Reopening Plans

The Shetland Museum and Archives plans to reopen to the public on Thursday 16th July with a new booking system and measures in place ...

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James A Teit: Tackling racism in the late 1800's

In December 1883, Lerwick Man James Teit emigrated to Canada where he lived and worked with indigenous communities, listening and ...

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Captain Lawrence Irvine

Captain Lawrence Irvine of Bridge of Walls was one of the few Shetlanders to enter the West Indies Trade in the late 1700’s, a trade ...

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Our commitment to equality, inclusion and diversity

The death of George Floyd has prompted a global outpouring of grief and anger that we, as an integral part of society, cannot ignore. ...

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