
Keep up to date with new stories and details of what our researchers are doing to preserve and promote Shetland's heritage and culture.

The Museum and Archives is managed by the Shetland Amenity Trust, a small charity caring for Shetland's natural and cultural heritage. It is free to visit the Museum and Archives and here we share our work with you through our blogs and news. Donations are welcomed to help the Trust care for the collections and our heritage both now and in the future.

A call for ‘Pre-loved’ leaflets

Shetland Amenity Trust are encouraging local people, businesses and visitors to help them collect up visitor information leaflets so ...

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Shetland Needleworkers Pieces in Time Exhibition

Shetland Needleworkers are mounting an exhibition in Da Gadderie at the Shetland Museum and Archives, running from 12th October until ...

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A Rose by Any Other Name

According to Shakespeare “that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet” but can the same be said for knitted ...

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The mystery of the three kirks uncovered

Shetland Amenity Trust have been working on a project to uncover the mystery of ‘the three kirks’ and they are now ready to share ...

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Two Earls and a Bishop

As our Three Kirks project continues, we are trying to piece together the reasons why the Orcadian red sandstone was brought to ...

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Oh So Fine and Simple : the Crepe Shawls

Lace shawls with the largest number of complex designs get the most admiration, but there is another class of Shetland lace that is ...

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Your Shetland Wool Week Stories

Shetland Wool Week celebrates its tenth year this Autumn and with more people than ever booked on classes, tours and activities it is ...

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Shetland Ponies: Choosing the best from the rest

The Shetland Pony is iconic around the world and will be the focus of a week long celebration of the breed this July culminating in ...

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Shetland Nature Festival

The annual Shetland Nature Festival starts on Saturday 6th of July until Sunday 14th July and has events throughout Shetland. There ...

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The Eagle's Last Stronghold

An exhibition opens at the Shetland Museum and Archives next week highlighting the story of the white-tailed ‘sea’ eagle in ...

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‘The Arthurs’

A feature exhibition exploring Shetland surnames Arthur and Arthurson is now on display at the Shetland Museum and Archives. The ...

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The Burnous

One of the most dramatic pieces of lace knitting in our collection is an oddly-shaped red and white striped flat textile (TEX 7780). ...

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Emma Louise's Coffee Shop opening at Hay's Dock

The Shetland Amenity Trust are delighted to announce the re-opening of the café at Shetland Museum and Archives. Emma Louise and Joe ...

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Getting ready for the Summer Season

The Shetland Amenity Trust have been busy over the past month getting ready to open key sites for the 2019 visitor season. Sumburgh ...

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