
Keep up to date with new stories and details of what our researchers are doing to preserve and promote Shetland's heritage and culture.

The Museum and Archives is managed by the Shetland Amenity Trust, a small charity caring for Shetland's natural and cultural heritage. It is free to visit the Museum and Archives and here we share our work with you through our blogs and news. Donations are welcomed to help the Trust care for the collections and our heritage both now and in the future.

10th Birthday Celebrations

To celebrate the milestone 10th birthday, Shetland Museum and Archives staff are hosting a day of birthday celebrations on Saturday ...

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Mathewson Lecture

Eileen Brooke-Freeman will deliver a talk about the life of her ancestor Andrew Dishington Mathewson of East Yell (1799-1887) from her ...

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Shetland Museum and Archives goes virtual

Shetland Museum and Archives have embraced the world of virtual reality with a new app available from VisitScotland.

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Rare and Unique - Shetland's rare book collection

This December the Shetland Museum and Archives are focusing on the rare and unique Shetland book collection they look after for the ...

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Littoral Art Project gives pupils a new perspective on beach litter

School pupils will be engaging with the Gadderie exhibition in coming weeks.

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Supporting Dementia Friends

Shetland Museum and Archives are proud to support Dementia Friends Scotland and recently took part in training to better understand ...

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Anniversary Events

Staff gathered for an official photo as the anniversary celebrations begin.

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A Summer of Anniversaries

Shetland Museum and Archives services are celebrating significant milestone anniversaries this summer.

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Shetland Boat Week Launched Today

The first Shetland Boat Week will take place between 8th and 14th August.

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New to Us Exhibition

A display of 'new to us' art is on display throughout the galleries and will be updated regularly during 2016/17.

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New Website Launched

Shetland Museum and Archives has, today, launched a new website.

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Photos in a Flash - Instant Photo Printing

Visitors to Shetland Museum and Archives can now access instant prints from a wide range of popular photo archive images from the ...

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Reid Tait Collection transferred to Shetland Archives

Shetland Archives has recently received the last of a large and significant collection of printed material from Shetland Library, in a ...

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P&O Flag flies at Bod

The P&O flag is again flying at the Bὂd of Gremista, following an appeal from Shetland Amenity Trust Vice Chairman, Captain George ...

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Take a Virtual Tour of Fethaland

A new interactive visitor experience has been installed at Shetland Museum and Archives, which allows the user to take a stroll ...

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